My work is first and foremost an ode to the timelessness of nature. It is also an experimental ground that aims to generate unique visual atmospheres which, for an instant, make us forget of our human condition. Ambiguity is a central characteristic of my work and it operates in two ways. The imagery shows almost unrecognizable textures and objects, yet a sense of familiarity presides. Man made objects are absent, the combinations are disorganized, the scenes look almost natural, yet it is felt that nature has been played with.

Unique atmospheres emanate from these ambiguities and we are left with a sense of curiosity, wonder and contemplation for the mystery of nature.

Scientist turned creative, I have been trained as a chemist and later transitioned into creative roles within the marketing teams of life science businesses. While the fields of chemistry and marketing seem unrelated, the red thread of my journey has always been a desire to create.


My work is tied to the concept of affective atmospheres. While atmospheres can only be fully experienced in a physical space, they can also emerge to a lesser extent, in visual representations.

I purposely stay at the border between abstract and figurative representations in order to play with our mental associations. In other words, the imagery shows familiar textures and objects, yet it is not always possible to pinpoint what is being looked at. From that ambiguity, I believe that unique atmospheres can emerge.


    People often describe the impressions they receive from visiting a place using the word "atmosphere".

    What is meant by that?

    The experience of an atmosphere is known to everyone, yet its definition is highly conceptual. You cannot touch an atmosphere, or smell it, hear it or see it. Yet what is seen, heard, smelled and even tasted in a place can contribute to its atmosphere. The context of a place is also very important as it can sometimes convey an atmosphere in a spectacular way (most historical places can have that effect). A point can be made that atmospheres are a subjective matter yet somehow; we often find that it can be a shared as well (as it is intersubjective too). In all cases, an atmosphere cannot be described, it needs to be experienced.


    Atmospheres can be experienced virtually anywhere or with anything. Full scale atmospheres are best experienced in a physical space such as when you sit in your favorite café or hike in a forest on a cloudy day, the reason for that is that a physical space involves all your senses at once. Yet atmospheres can also be experienced on a smaller scale such as when watching a David Lynch movie (from sounds and images) or listening to nature sounds on YouTube (sounds only), or with an abstract painting (image only).

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